CoinMarketCap’s database of over 3 million user data is for sale.

An anonymous person sold a database containing the email addresses of 3.1 million users of the analytics service CoinMarketCap. This item does not contain cryptocurrency. Are you reporting on the Pwned portal?

New vulnerability: 3.1 million email addresses were traded on CoinMarketCap this month. CMC said it was “related to the subscriber base” but has yet to determine the source of the data. 99% already @haveibeenpwned

– I was Pwned (@haveibeenpwned) Oct 22, 2021

According to the portal, the so-called hacking incident occurred on October 12. CoinMarketCap confirmed that the leaked addresses were “related to the service’s subscriber base.” Although the company conducted a ‘comprehensive server audit’, it said that ‘no signs of a security breach were found’. Experts believe that these data were obtained from third-party platforms.

You may have seen some information about CoinMarketCap emails on the internet. We want to assure our users that our own servers are not leaked.

We urge everyone to develop good online security habits and set up a unique cryptocurrency for each website they use.

– CoinMarketCap (@CoinMarketCap) October 23, 2021

“Since there is no encrypted currency in the records we see, we believe the data is likely coming from another platform and users may have reused encrypted currency across multiple websites. I think the attacker (or the attacker) leaked the address list. Compared to other data, the list of addresses of CoinMarketCap users looks real. A “cleaned” set of email data from the dark web found in previous non-service related leaks.” – The company’s blog said.

In 2020, cryptocurrency exchange Binance acquired CoinMarketCap. Transaction costs were not disclosed. According to media reports, the amount is close to $300 million.

Recall that in early October 2021, hackers exploited a vulnerability in Bitcoin exchange Coinbase’s two-factor authentication system to gain access to thousands of user accounts.

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Information source: 0x information compiled from FORKLOG. Copyright belongs to the author Артем Галунов. Reproduction is prohibited.


About Shahab Abbasi 67 Articles
My name is Shahab Abbasi and i am student of computer science, i am going web developing and article writing has a my passion.